Earth Haven Farm

To know your Food is to know your Farmer! Become a Store Partner today!

To know your food is to know your farmer!

As a Demeter certified farm, our main objective is to maintain healthy, productive soil which in turn provides us with the means to grow healthy, nutritious vegetables, fruits, herbs and food for our livestock, ourselves and our customers.

As many challenges have arisen on the planet this past year and will continue to do so in the coming years, it will be extremely important for people to maintain healthy immune systems. That means becoming more aware and conscious of where and how their food is grown.
Along with our garden produce, we pride ourselves in raising a small herd of purebred Scottish Highland Cattle which are 100% grass fed and grass finished.

Earth Haven Farm offers an annual CSA box program which services our local community in Tweed and Belleville areas.

We have chosen to discontinue attending farmers markets and are looking to partner with health food stores and small family owned grocery stores that have chosen to add organic food to their inventory.  Currently we have one location in Toronto and one in Kingston.

We are also a very crafty oriented family farm with many talents for making a wide variety of handmade products.  We invite you to browse our website to see what is available.  Most crafts are made in the off-season months and inventoried for sales year round.

We welcome you to experience our produce at Earth Haven Farm as a customer or reseller! We have store partner openings for 2021 and would love for you to become a part of our growing community! To know your food is to know your farmer!


Are you interested in becoming a Store Partner?

Fill out the form below and we will be in touch shortly.

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