Seasonal Help Wanted
To apply, please send us a cover letter via email to or use our CONTACT form. Your communication should clearly outline your interest in volunteering at our farm, what your expectations are, what time and skills that you are able to offer. If you are coming for the learning experience, we would like to know what your learning expectations are.
Education is in the Experience
It is best to sign on for the full season from April through to the end of October to really experience what farming is all about.
We are always looking for an energetic person or couple that would like to join our farm operation for the months of April through to November, or possibly a full year if interested.
Our farm operation promotes a sustainable living environment. We are looking for someone of like mind that is interested in a very back to basic lifestyle.
We are located north of Belleville in Eastern Ontario. There is no public transit available. Having your own transportation would be an asset.
You must have a valid Health Card. Be a Canadian citizen and/or have a work visa to be in Canada. Good working references are required, preferably from previous farm work. Interview in person at our farm or by Skype will let us know if you are a good fit. We do not allowing smoking in any of our buildings and encourage a non-smoking environment.
You will be required to work regardless of weather conditions. There is always something that needs to get done, this may be less some weeks and more others. That is the nature of farming.
Please advise us of any health or food restrictions. We appreciate you being up front and honest with us when you apply as working on a farm may best suit you.