Earth Haven Farm

Kathryn Aunger

Kathryn is the farm business manager. She takes care of bookkeeping, marketing, social media, the website and all the paperwork.

Kathryn: "For over 30 years I listened to the native elders and my mentors talk about how 'food is medicine' but nobody spoke about they how or why.  For me, biodynamic agriculture is the missing link.  It answers those questions.  More and more, I see many people suffering with serious health issues related to generational consumption of eating toxic foods. It is my dream that by what we do here at Earth Haven Farm can bring awareness to how healthy, nutritious food is actually grown, and thus educate people to become smarter consumers and live healthier lives. Food truly is medicine." 

In 2014, Kathryn quite working full-time employment off the farm, and joined the farm full-time. From the beginning, in 2006, she has remained committed to the success of Earth Haven Farm just as her son, Aric. 

Kathryn attributes her love of gardening and animals to her parents' and grandparents' influences. 

Growing up, Kathryn lived and worked in the suburbs of Oakville, Burlington and Barrie.  She worked in sales, marketing, graphic design and business administration for some major corporations and has over 35 years of work experience.  Leaving the city and the suburbs to live a simple life has not been easy, but it has certainly been a most rewarding experience for her.

Kathryn: "Watching my son embrace the farm and grow to have a deep spiritual connection to Mother Earth has brought me incredible pride and joy over the years. I am now watching my daughter and my grand-children interact with our farm life and are seeing those same connections being made with them.  It is my hope and dream that Earth Haven Farm will become a family farm legacy for future generations.  I also hope to inspire and grow a community around us so that we can support each other."

Kathryn is devoted to promoting and supporting biodynamic, organic, permaculture, restorative and sustainable farming and gardening practices that she believes can sustain the future.  In 2016, Kathryn partnered with Rosemary Tayler to create the Earth Haven Learning Centre which is located at Earth Haven Farm. Earth Haven Learning Centre was the creator and publisher of the Celestial Planting Calendar from 2016 until 2023. It was then taken over by Heart & Soil Magazine. For more information, visit and follow posts on facebook.

Kathryn:  "The world we live in is changing faster and faster, like a whirl wind, it is difficult to keep up.  Climate change, weather patterns, the economy, and social issues are evolving in many directions. Each year those changes affect us here on the farm too.  The way that we live, how we travel from place to place, what we eat and how we choose to live is changing with each year. It is my hope that the knowledge, wisdom and education that we can bring to the farm through our yearly experiences will help to open the hearts, minds and souls of people to methods of farming, gardening and living that they may not have considered in the past."

In 2024 Kathryn discovered she had cancer and has been going on a significant healing journey. As a result she has been refocusing on her healing, taking a step back from some of the Earth Haven responsibilities. You may now visit her new website where she describes her challenges and insights. Visit

Kathryn Aunger