In his 35 page booklet, "Biodynamics--a promising road to tomorrow's sustainable agriculture", Ulrich Schreier describes biodynamic practices as follows:
"This basic principle which has guided biodynamics right from the start, is making headway and is being confirmed by more and more scientific studies.
With the slogan “healthy soils for a healthy life” in its “2015 International Year of Soils” campaign, the FAO is sending a strong message across the planet. Soil, agriculture and food are not just a matter of proteins, carbohydrates and calories for nourishing our physical bodies. They also have a direct bearing on the environment as well as our health, feelings and psychological well-being.
This in turn affects our thoughts, our choices and priorities, our behavior and the way we organize our lives. Is it far fetched then, to imagine, that the same may be true at other levels namely a family, a region or even a whole country?"
Download the booklet here: Biodynamics, a promising road to tomorrow's sustainable agriculture.

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