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Amazing Facts About Chickens

1. Chickens are surprisingly intelligent. They can recognize over 100 faces of their flock-mates and even humans. They also have complex communication systems, using different calls for warnings, food discoveries, and more.

2. They dream, just like us. Chickens experience REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, which suggests they might dream!

3. A mother hen talks to her chicks before they're hatched. She clucks softly, and the chicks chirp back from inside the eggs, building a bond before they even meet.

4. Chickens are great at math (well, sort of). Studies show they can count and even perform basic addition or subtraction tasks.

5. The world has more chickens than humans. With over 33 billion chickens on Earth, they far outnumber us.

6. Chickens have unique personalities. Just like humans, some are bold and adventurous, while others are shy or cautious.

7. They're descendants of dinosaurs. Chickens are closely related to the mighty T. rex. That drumstick on your plate? It's basically a tiny dino leg!

8. Chickens can feel empathy. Mother hens show concern for their chicks, displaying signs of distress if their babies are in danger.

9. They can run fast. A chicken can sprint up to 9 miles per hour (14 kilometers per hour) when motivated.

10. Egg color depends on the hen's breed. White-feathered chickens with white earlobes lay white eggs, while brown-feathered chickens with red earlobes lay brown eggs. There are even breeds that lay blue or green eggs!

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Effective Plants to De-Worm Your Backyard Chickens Naturally

One of the most common challenges poultry enthusiasts face is dealing with pesky internal worms that threaten the health and vitality of their flock. Chemical dewormers, although effective, often come with a slew of side effects and concerns about the long-term health implications for the birds and the potential residue in the eggs. 

How can one ensure a worm-free flock without compromising natural and organic principles? The answer might just lie in the heart of nature, with plants that offer powerful, natural deworming properties. So, in this article, we have listed the effective plants that can help keep your backyard chickens healthy and worm-free naturally.

Signs that Chickens Might Have Worms or Internal Parasites

  • One of the most noticeable signs can be a sudden drop in egg production. Infested hens might lay fewer eggs than usual.
  • Even if the chicken eats its regular feed, it might still lose weight because the worms consume the nutrients.
  • A chicken’s comb and wattles can be good indicators of its health. Worm infestations can lead to anemia, causing the comb and wattles to turn paler or bluish.
  • Chickens with internal parasites often have a poor appearance, including ruffled or dull feathers.
  • Infested chickens might seem more tired and less active than usual.
  • In severe infestations, you might see worms or worm segments in their droppings.
  • They might eat more in an attempt to compensate for the nutrients the worms are consuming.

Natural Deworming Plants


Garlic is a powerhouse in natural poultry care due to its impressive antibacterial properties. Regularly introducing garlic into a chicken's diet not only combats bacterial infections but also bolsters the bird's immune system. This hardy bulb further aids in digestion and can be instrumental in detoxifying a chicken's system.

To harness these benefits, you can crush 2-3 garlic cloves and incorporate them directly into the chicken feed, you can give your adult chickens one clove per day for two weeks to clear up the worm. Another approach involves infusing crushed garlic cloves into the chicken's drinking water, ensuring they get a steady intake. You can do this once a week for prevention.

Grated carrot

Carrots offer more than just a burst of color in our salads. For chickens, they're a vital source of Vitamin A, crucial for maintaining optimal health. Beyond this, the fibrous nature of carrots acts as a natural detoxifier, assisting in expelling worms and other digestive system invaders.

To use carrots as a dewormer, simply grate them and introduce them into the daily feed. Chickens typically enjoy the sweet crunch of a carrot, making this a treat they're likely to relish. If some birds are hesitant, mixing the grated carrots with other preferred treats can be a useful strategy.

Finely chopped onion

While not as universally loved as garlic or carrots, onions are in the natural poultry care toolkit. They boast natural antiparasitic compounds that can aid in eliminating internal worms. Beyond this, their inherent properties can enhance the gut health of birds, promoting better nutrient absorption.

To benefit your flock, finely chop onions and add them to their daily feed. It's crucial, however, to use onions judiciously. An excessive onion diet might alter the taste of the eggs. Consider it more as an occasional treat or supplement rather than a staple.


An age-old remedy, wormwood is traditionally known for its ability to expel parasites, particularly digestive worms, from various animals. Its bitter compounds are believed to create an inhospitable environment for the parasites.

For chickens, introducing dried wormwood to their feed can help in this regard. However, caution is required; excessive consumption can lead to toxicity. Using it in moderation, preferably under expert guidance, can yield the best results.


Hyssop is not only revered for its spiritual symbolism in historical texts but also for its medicinal properties. For poultry, it serves a dual purpose: aiding respiratory health and acting as a natural dewormer. Fresh or dried hyssop can be introduced into the chicken's environment or directly mixed into their feed, serving as a natural remedy against worms and helping to bolster overall health.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds have become a favorite natural deworming remedy for many poultry keepers. They contain a compound called cucurbitacin, which has the ability to paralyze and eradicate worms from the digestive system.

To use, these seeds can either be fed directly to chickens or can be ground and mixed into their regular feed for two weeks or longer for the best results. It’s a treat many chickens enjoy, and it promotes a worm-free environment.

Cucumber seed

Similar to pumpkin seeds, cucumber seeds contain properties that can act against internal parasites. They can be especially effective against tapeworms. Simply harvesting and drying these seeds and then introducing them to the chicken feed or giving them directly can serve as an effective natural deworming method.


Nasturtium is one of the best plants to grow for your chicken, with its vibrant flowers and unique taste, it offers more than just aesthetic value. Both its leaves and flowers are believed to have antiseptic and antibacterial properties. When consumed by chickens, nasturtium can create a hostile environment for worms. 

Spreading the leaves and flowers in the coop or mixing them with the daily feed can be a great way to introduce this natural remedy to your flock.


For those raising chickens, using plants and seeds to fight against worms is a smart, natural choice. These methods are not only gentle on the birds but also cut down on chemicals. Just like we trust home remedies for our little health troubles, our chickens can benefit from these plant-based solutions too. 

However, always keep an eye on your birds to make sure they're happy and healthy, and if in doubt, ask an expert. In the end, using nature's gifts, we can have a healthy coop full of chirpy chickens!

Author’s profile

I'm Amelia Quinn, and I'm delighted to introduce myself to this wonderful community. I  grew up on a humble little farm where raising animals and cultivating vegetables were not just chores, but a way of life. Our livelihood depended on the fruits of the land and the care we provided to our animals. After school each day, I took on the role of helping care for my younger siblings and tending to our animals. Raising chickens and nurturing crops became an integral part of my daily routine.

Now, as I embark on this journey of connecting with fellow farmers and enthusiasts, I am excited to share my experiences and learn from the wisdom of other experienced individuals in the farming community. Let's grow together, both in knowledge and as a community.


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Why Cows Need Horns

Originally Posted on October 5, 2016 by  

“Why cows have horns” is a resource compiled by the cattle breeding group of the Swiss Biodynamic Association in conjunction with the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and co-published by the NZ Biodynamic Association.

Created to address the practices of horn disbudding and breeding of polled (hornless) animals, the guide is a summary of basic facts and fascinating observations about the role horns play in cattle.

When the moon is in Aries at conception, the animal’s horns will tend to grow strongly upwards and become long. ~ Hans Oswald, farmer

This easy-to-read report covers the nature of horned animals; horn development; the function of horns; the effects of disbudding and breeding polled animals; and encouraging trust between humans and animals.

Download the full report here: Why cows have horns.

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Click Here to Download the Full Article

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Raising Baby Chicks

Not only are our chickens FREE RANGE, but we also allow our flock to reproduce naturally, meaning that eggs are selected to remain in the nesting box.

A hen that has natural brooding tendencies will soon take up the task of sitting on the eggs and claiming them as her own. She will become very protective of her eggs.

Chick in Egg21 days after the hen begins to sit on the eggs, the chicks will begin to hatch. The mother will naturally select the healthiest of her brood to survive.

Within a day they will be running around, learning all about what it means to be a chicken. Once out into the barnyard with the main flock they will still remain close to their mother.

At night she will return to the coup and roost with her chicks tucked under her wings. Within a week to two weeks they will be independent and start venturing further from their mother and exploring their environment.

As time goes on the chicks become more and more independent. Roosters and hens will easily become distinguished. (Roosters are fancier, with plumed tails frequent crowing) The new hens will not start laying eggs until they are 18-20 weeks old.

Yes it does cost a lot to feed baby chicks the first year that they do not produce eggs.

A good laying hen can lay eggs up to ten years, but most hens will decline in their egg production after two years of age.

Culling the flock and allowing new chicks to replenish the flock is a must to keep things healthy and productive.

Raising free-range chickens is not recommended for producers that want to make a lot of money as chickens will lay their eggs in all kinds of places except the coop.  They are also more susceptible to predators, especially baby chicks at all stages.

Predators may include foxes, coyotes, hawks, owls, weasels, mink, fishers, skunks, raccoons and yes even the beloved farm dog or cat.


Mother Hen and Chicks

Mother hen attentive with newborn chicks in nesting box.

One Week Old Chicks

Day old chicks hatched from an incubator group together for warmth and companionship.

Mother Hen and Chicks

Mother Hen teaches chicks how to scratch and forage in the safety of the coop aviary.

Mother Hen taking her chicks outdoors to forage.

Mother Hen brings her babies inside the coop at night.

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