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Biodynamic Farming for Sustainability

Biodynamic farming as a resource for sustainability transformations: Potential and challenges

Article by C. Rigolt and M. Quantin
Published May 5, 2022


  • Biodynamic farming relies on a specific conception of knowledge, based on farmers' creativity, intuition and experience.
  • Biodynamic farming is compatible with holistic and pragmatic research approaches aiming for "actionable knowledge."
  • The spirituality, beliefs and mystery surrounding biodynamic practices facilitate unique relationships of care between human beings and nature.
  • Academic research could benefit from studying biodynamic farming more, and biodynamic farming could benefit more from academic research.
  • Key challenges are the study of innovation processes and transformation pathways, improved dialogue, evaluatation and funding.

Biodynamic Sustainable Agriculture

To view the full article, go to Science Direct/Agriculture

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Concepts, Principles and Application of Biodynamic Farming

Article by Seid Hussen Muhie, Wollo University
Published June 2022

Biodynamic farming is an old but new alternative agriculture for sustainable development. However, it is not well understood and practiced. It is similar to organic farming but incorporates metaphysical ideas in treating soil and crop growth. The objective of this paper is to review and give brief highlights about the concepts, principles, and applications of biodynamic farming. To review about biodynamic farming, different literatures, research works, and practical works have been reviewed. Different search engines were used in search of documents using keywords like biodynamic agriculture, organic farming, sustainable development, ecology, soil quality, and health.

Biodynamic farming is regarded as “above and beyond organic.” It was the first systematic method of organic farming as an alternative to the rise of high-input industrial agriculture. Biodynamic farming is the concern and practice of more than 5500 farmers globally, and the farming method has a very good preference among consumers of organic product. The number of countries with Demeter-International certified biodynamic activity increased from 42 to 55 with Germany having the largest (1552) biodynamic farms.

Some of the principles of biodynamic farming are restoring the soil through the incorporation of organic matter; treating soil as a living system; creating a system that brings all factors that maintain life into balance; encouraging the use and significance of green manure, crop rotation, and cover crops; and treating manure and compost in a biodynamic way. Biodynamic farming is more than just a set of techniques; it is also a conceptual philosophy that applies to the farm’s general structure.

The foundation of biodynamics is the construction of a farm that functions holistically as an unbroken organism. Scientifcally proofed, biodynamic farming has its own contribution to agriculture sustainability via efect on soil quality and improvement of quantity and nutritional quality of a produce and pest management. Hence, biodynamics is regarded as a promising road to tomorrow’s integrated and sustainable agriculture.

To view the full article, go to Research Gate Publications

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Where to Find Rudolf Steiner Archives & Library?

We receive numerous inquiries as to where to find biodynamic research papers, information about Rudolf Steiner, anthroposophy and other materials.  The following is a list of resources for the inquiring mind.

Official website for all that is Rudolf Steiner

Biodynamic Beekeeping

Biodynamic Planting Calendar & Research

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What are Biodynamic Practices?

In his 35 page booklet, "Biodynamics--a promising road to tomorrow's sustainable agriculture", Ulrich Schreier describes biodynamic practices as follows:

"This basic principle which has guided biodynamics right from the start, is making headway and is being confirmed by more and more scientific studies.

With the slogan “healthy soils for a healthy life” in its “2015 International Year of Soils” campaign, the FAO is sending a strong message across the planet. Soil, agriculture and food are not just a matter of proteins, carbohydrates and calories for nourishing our physical bodies. They also have a direct bearing on the environment as well as our health, feelings and psychological well-being.

This in turn affects our thoughts, our choices and priorities, our behavior and the way we organize our lives. Is it far fetched then, to imagine, that the same may be true at other levels namely a family, a region or even a whole country?"

Download the booklet here: Biodynamics, a promising road to tomorrow's sustainable agriculture.

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