Earth Haven Farm
Earth Haven Farm BLOG


Purslane Fact Sheet

Botanically, this herbaceous leafy vegetable belongs to the family of Portulacaceae and scientifically known as Portulaca oleracea.

Soft, succulent purslane leaves have more omega-3 fatty acids than in some of the fish oils. If you are a vegetarian and pledge to avoid all forms of animal products, then here is the answer! Go for this healthy dark-green leafy vegetable and soon you will forget fish!

Health Benefits

  • Purslane is low in calories and fats and is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids (α-linolenic acid).
  • Research studies show that consumption of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and help prevent the development of ADHD, autism, and other developmental differences in children.
  • Source of Vitamin-A, a known powerful natural antioxidant and an essential vitamin for vision. It is also required to maintain healthy mucosa and skin. Vitamin-A is known to help to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.
  • Source of Vitamin-C, and some B-complex vitamins like riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine and carotenoids, as well as dietary minerals, such as iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and manganese.

How to Eat, Cook, Prepare

  • Fresh, raw leaves can be used as salad and as vegetable juice.
  • Sautéed and gently stewed stems and leaves served as a side dish with fish and poultry.
  • Used in soups and curry preparations. Eat with rice.
  • Stir-fried and mixed with other like-minded greens such as spinach and vegetables.

Health Caution

Purslane contains oxalic acid, a naturally-occurring substance found in some vegetables, which may crystallize as oxalate stones in the urinary tract in some people, therefore, people with known oxalate urinary tract stones are advised to avoid eating purslane.

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